Månevisdom Oracle Cards

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Boland Yasmin

Dette kortsæt er et magisk redskab, som kan hjælpe dig med at skabe din egen virkelighed og ændre dit liv på forbløffende måder. Månen forener os alle over hele verden. Hun har roteret rundt om os her på planeten Jorden, ligesom vi roterer rundt om Solen i hvad der føles som evigheder. Månen er den magiske dronning over vores himle - og i astrologien over vores følelser. Vi manifesterer med vores følelser, så måneenergierne er den perfekte kanal for vores magiske manifestationer.
Hvert kort i dette sæt afslører, hvad du bringer med dig ind i livet, og hvordan du sætter turbo på dine manifestationskræfter for at opnå de bedst mulige resultater. Opdag Månens enestående kraft, mens hun bevæger sig igennem tegnene i dyrekredsen, og hvordan du kan kanalisere hendes energier til at skabe det liv, du drømmer om!

Antal kort: 48.
Antal sider i guidebog: 142.

Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see.